Friday, April 11, 2008


I did tremendously enjoy my little haiku yesterday, but I didn't mean to leave anyone guessing as to Kristen's status, which is: she is doing AWESOME! The temperature setting on her isolette has been turned down so low that the next step will be moving her out to room temperature, which will likely happen either later today or tomorrow. The doctor has ordered every third feeding to be taken through her NG tube, allowing two consecutive feedings to be taken from the bottle. She has done a remarkable job with her feedings, so while I was up there yesterday enjoying some skin to skin snuggle time with her, her nurse suggested that I go ahead and try putting her to breast at her next scheduled feeding. It was so incredible to see her latch on right away! This was the first time she had actually nursed, as she was too lethargic during earlier attempts in the first day or two after the birth. What a happy, happy day! Her weight yesterday was hovering so close to 5 lbs, so I can't wait to see what she weighs today. This is Darren's Friday off, but my mom offered to stay with the children anyway so that he and I can go up and visit Kristen together. We haven't had a chance to do that since Easter! I'm so excited! Two more of my favorite pictures from yesterday:


Celeste Creates said...

Oh, my gosh! Stop making me cry! That is so wonderful! I can't tell you how happy I am! Love you bunches!

Lillian said...

(((hugs))) I'm so happy for the both of you!! And glad to hear she's nursing!! How wonderful!

Jamie Jo said...

She's so little and beautiful!!! You are so beautiful too Melissa! Wish I was closer to help watch those little ones too. So happy your mom is there to help for a little while!

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

I know I hardly know you, but I am so happy for you. How beautiful, what a blessing. *hugs*

Michelle said...

Oh, happiness!

Jody said...

So glad to see that she is doing so well.