Saturday, November 18, 2006

Posole, Part II

When I wrote about posole earlier this morning, I never imagined the overwhelmingly positive response I would get--and so quickly! Even my father-in-law, a faithful reader of this blog, called from Arizona, asking me to share my recipe. I am humbled and honored to impart it here, and, just for the record, more than a little self conscious! ("What if they try it, and hate it?!", I ruminated to Darren.)

While there are many variations--particularly regional differences--to be found with posole, I've stood by my dad's tried and true recipe. It makes a lot, so I use a tall stock pot to cook it all in. The recipe could, of course, be scaled down, but I love having leftovers!

I start with about 3 pounds of pork (I prefer the thin, boneless, loin center cut chops), which I cut into small cubes (roughly 3/4 inch) and then brown in olive oil in a large skillet. Then I transfer the meat into my stockpot, cover with water, and bring it to a boil. I let it simmer, covered, for about two hours, then add 7 cans (15.5 oz. each) of white hominy (drain it well before adding it to the pot). I usually add some more water at this point, too. Not a whole lot, but enough to make it nice and "soupy". About an hour later, I add two 14 oz. containers of frozen red chile and bring it, again, to a boil. Once it's boiling, I cover it, reduce the heat, and let it simmer for about another two hours. Just before serving, I add about 2 TBS. of salt and dried, crumbled oregano. After it's been ladled into bowls, we squeeze fresh lime juice over it and garnish with a little more oregano and finely chopped onion, and enjoy warm flour tortillas as a side.

I love it. I hope you will, too.


Alice Gunther said...

This looks fantastic! Thank you for sharing the recipe and the memories.

Anonymous said...

That sounds perfectly wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I can't wait to make it for my husband.

He who wears the most black wins. said...

Yeah!! Thank you. ;)

I am headed out to the grocery store right now!!

p.s. I love the story about Meghan's birth.