Monday, August 08, 2011

New beginnings

Hmmmm...Well, I had hoped that changing the look of my blog might make me more inclined to write here, but nope.  It's been three days now and so far I still have nothing to say.  Or rather, too much to say for such a small space.  Feelings too big to be summarily confined by the boundaries of a single blog post.  Big changes are underway here at our house and I feel like I'm right in the middle of a major identity crisis!  Those of you who are friends with me on facebook know that we've made the difficult decision to send the three big kids to public school this year.  We'll be registering them for fourth grade, second grade, and Kindergarten in a few days, and our family will begin a whole new chapter in this wonderful adventure!  I hope to continue writing here as a way to chronicle our family's happenings, especially for the grandparents who are so far away.  And, if any of you blog friends happen to read this, I hope you'll still stop by from time to time to say hello!  


Jamie Jo said...

Oh, my!! Your kids have grown so much and look so beautiful.

I'm sure it was a very tough decision to send them to school. I hope and pray all goes well for all of you.

God bless you!

Charlotte (WaltzingM) said...

Your kiddos have grown so much! Good to "see" you all again!

Shannon said...

hi sweetie!!! i'm just SO happy to see you on here... I really am!

I will pray for you... it must have been hard to send the kiddos to school but I KNOW they will do well. hey, I went to public school and turned out just fine :) hehe!

blessings, sweet mama!

Blair said...

Yay! So glad to see you here; love the new pics! I'll say a prayer for you in this new adventure of school. I know it's a hard decision but I also know that we all have to do what is best for our families and sometimes it's not quite what we'd envisioned. I'm sure they'll do amazingly well!

Tracey W. said...

Melissa, You & Darren have absolutely gorgeous kids. So precious! It is so hard to decide about school...home school, private or public? My 2 boys went to public & did well, Jacey is in private school & is doing well. I pray your experience is awesome & your children thrive in school as they did at home. What an example they will be. Blessings.

Jill said...

I've LOVED all of our little facebook and email chats discussing all of these hard topics over the past months. But, I'm still glad to see you back here on your blog. That's where I 'met' you and the family and knew that we were destined to be friends (and arrange marriages between all of our kids!). I will definitely be checking in here. And I will continue to neurotically email you as I have now enrolled 4/5 of my children in 3 different schools. Yikes.

Melissa said...

Aw, thanks friends! What a warm welcome back to the blogging world! And Tracey, thanks so much for joining me here! :)

Jill, please DO continue to neurotically email me because I know I'll be emailing you! :)