Wow. Can you believe it?! 30 weeks! With each day that passes I grow increasingly excited about meeting our new little girl. I've been in extreme nesting mode for about the last two weeks, and while we've accomplished a lot, I feel there is still so much to be done! We ordered a computer armoire for our bedroom last night to contain the ugliness of electronics (
so not peaceful), and today I received a changing table, double stroller, baby swing, and TONS of the sweetest little baby girl clothes from my sister in law! I am so very, very happy right now. I cannot wait to finish getting our bedroom set up to accommodate Baby! I am currently in the process of switching out dresser drawers, rearranging our closet, and mapping the furniture layout of our bedroom to best suit all of our needs. Do I seem over eager? :) I keep telling myself to slow down, I still have ten weeks to go...but then I remember that if this baby follows the precedent set by Meghan, I may actually have only five. I hope that doesn't happen, but I'd like to be a little more prepared a little further in advance! And to that end, I'm off now to finish sorting the piles of stuff heaped on top of my dresser; there is no way I can sleep one more night in this mess!
WOW! Dear one, I can't believe it!!! How amazing that it is already 30 weeks. You look fantastic!!!! Beaming - to be exact.
I can't wait to meet your precious baby girl too, albeit virtually. I think about you often and continue to pray for all of you, but especially you and baby.
You look lovely! Don't forget to use this time to work on the virtues you'll need as a mom-to-a-newborn, too. A well-ordered soul can be as beneficial as a tidy, beautiful home, I think. :)
You are radiant and beautiful! I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. Do you have names picked out yet? Are you keeping it under wraps until she arrives? Your kids are all so much in age as mine. My oldest was six when David (the fourth) came. Keith (my second) was four, my third (Maia) was three, and then David. I'm so excited for you and your whole family. Happy nesting!!!!!!!!
Yay! You are a beautiful 30-week pregnant lady!!
I was going to ask you to post a baby belly shot...but I thought it would be a little too forward of me. So, I'm glad you did! I think pregnant women are just so wonderfully gorgeous.
Happy nesting and waiting on this homestretch.
SO beautiful. I am so excited to meet our newest little cyber friend!;) I loved that you posted a photo. I think I might be in like three or four of the 2500 family photos we have. I have to get better about that!
Hugs and love, beautiful pregnant friend.
I've been looking at that photo all day - I'm glad you posted it. Love you!
(couldn't log in!)
You look glowing!! Happy nesting!
You look so lovely! I, have about three weeks left and I am also in major nesting mode. I read with great interest all your plans for the bedroom! I love the idea of containing all the electronics behind the doors of an armoir! For some rerason my nesting instincts have also been focused in the bedroom. I bought a new headboard and replaced old stained wallpaper.......not that the baby will care, but the need seems so strong! Blessings and well-wishes to you at this happy time!
You look beautiful!! Thanks for sharing a picture!!
Awesome!!! You look great!
You look great..my son was 10 days late & born on the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima!
You look perfectly beautiful!!!
I'm so glad you shared the picture. You look beautiful. These next 10 weeks will just fly by.
You look really great!
You look great!
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