I was feeling particularly motivated one day last week and decided to start a liturgical planning guide in the notebook I use to organize my thoughts.*
I made it only so far as July, but I was excited to have a few definite plans in place, first being for Trinity Sunday...today. I just love the Women for Faith & Family website, and really liked some of their celebratory dinner suggestions. But, when I realized that Darren wouldn't even be here to dine with us, I decided to scrap the whole idea. I mope a lot when he's gone, and the thought of all that work no longer really appealed to me. However, while we were at the grocery store yesterday afternoon, I impulsively decided that I would go ahead with my plans; the children and I still had every reason to celebrate!
So today we reviewed our catechism lesson on the Holy Trinity (Dylan and Caitlyn needed little review, but Meghan was really cute with some of her responses!) and we spent a lot of time in the kitchen on dinner prep.
Our theme was three, for the Holy Trinity, so, with our barbecue chicken, we had three bean salad and clover leaf rolls, and for dessert, we had triple berry shortcakes. It was all so yummy, and I'm so glad I changed my mind. The kids kept saying how delicious it all was, and they had so much fun helping me make the rolls and shortcakes! :)
I made it only so far as July, but I was excited to have a few definite plans in place, first being for Trinity Sunday...today. I just love the Women for Faith & Family website, and really liked some of their celebratory dinner suggestions. But, when I realized that Darren wouldn't even be here to dine with us, I decided to scrap the whole idea. I mope a lot when he's gone, and the thought of all that work no longer really appealed to me. However, while we were at the grocery store yesterday afternoon, I impulsively decided that I would go ahead with my plans; the children and I still had every reason to celebrate!
So today we reviewed our catechism lesson on the Holy Trinity (Dylan and Caitlyn needed little review, but Meghan was really cute with some of her responses!) and we spent a lot of time in the kitchen on dinner prep.
Our theme was three, for the Holy Trinity, so, with our barbecue chicken, we had three bean salad and clover leaf rolls, and for dessert, we had triple berry shortcakes. It was all so yummy, and I'm so glad I changed my mind. The kids kept saying how delicious it all was, and they had so much fun helping me make the rolls and shortcakes! :)

*And, okay, so I just have to share this story, too: While I've thought for a while that a liturgical planner would be a great idea, I never took the time to think one through until very recently; until Pentecost, actually. Because, in the days preceding Pentecost, I had actually considered making this lovely cake (can't say it enough--love that Women for Faith & Family!) but then forgot to check if I actually had any of the necessary ingredients. At around 4:00 that Sunday afternoon, I finally decided that I would see what we had, and, sure enough, it wasn't enough. But, with stubborn determination, I decided I would make that cake, and just used what was on hand! Hahahaha! I didn't have nearly enough powdered sugar for the frosting, so I just poured the soupy mixture over the top after spreading a thin layer between the cakes, and my candles were all wrong. I didn't have red frosting, so cherries were our hearts. But, you know, it still tasted divine, and, in fact, it really was rather lovely in it's own charming way. Dylan said it looked like "a vintage birthday cake" and thought it was just the most beautiful thing ever. Really, it was quite nice. But I decided that day that from then on, I'd be a little more prepared for upcoming feasts. :)

The cake is beautiful! Seriously!!
All of your food creations look wonderful.
I will have to check out that website.
what a very delicious meal! It looks like something out of a magazine!
You have been so sweet with your comments and I ALWAYS enjoy hearing from you.
I have to tell you, Melissa, that I keep thinking about your comment on facebook when I posted as my status "It takes a little time sometimes"... you said "But baby you're not going down!" I literally think of it all the time and it makes me smile and feel so many good things. You were so clever to think of that line. It still calms me down a bit when I'm feeling overwhelmed! It's funny, I just can't explain it. It feels like a little gift from God every time it comes to mind. Who knew that a little Amy Grant could do that! You are so sweet! Ha, I just had to share that story because I love it!
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