This time, the beatitudes! Such a fun one. (I remember memorizing the beatitudes for my mom the year she kept me home from formal catechism lessons, teaching me on her own, instead.)
Our technique for this one was much the same as for the Apostles. Probably because it worked so well, and I'm not creative enough yet to try something new. :)
Our technique for this one was much the same as for the Apostles. Probably because it worked so well, and I'm not creative enough yet to try something new. :)

I found the cutest little printable cards, which I copied into Microsoft Word and resized to 2.5" x 2.5". After cutting them out, we glued the pairs onto folded sheets of paper to make our own little "Lift-the-Flap" memory exercises. (The coloring page in the center can be found here.)

I liked the straightforward list of beatitudes found here, but I also really liked the sweet, simple explanations that accompanied this story, so we included both on the inner pages of our lapbook!

School is finally feeling "fun" again. With the introduction of lapbooks into our lessons and Daddy volunteering to take over history and science, I may actually be able to keep doing this. :)
I love that you are showing these!! They are great! I'm inspired! We did some lapbooks last year, they are fun, the kids love them!
They both turned out wonderful!! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Lap books are a favorite in our home!
the lapbooks are just gorgeous, Melissa!!! keepsakes for sure!
How wonderful for you to share with everyone these great lapbooks. What keepers they turned out to be for your family! Lapbooks are such a great way to learn. Bravo. God Bless!
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