Wednesday, March 28, 2007
My little captives
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I just couldn't be more pleased with how well our vegetable garden is coming along! Everything we planted seems to be thriving, and I'm astonished at how much growth we've seen in just two short weeks. The kohlrabi, sunflower, and carrot seeds we planted have become the cutest little sprouts...I feel so proud!
The onion and lettuce plants have perked up considerably and are, to me, beautiful.
And, I just have to say: I am completely astounded by the tiny heads of broccoli that are already beginning to form! I mean, how cool is this?!
This entire process has been just amazing to me. I wish we had started gardening years ago!
Our flower bed holds a vast amount of untold treasures at this time, too. So much has been planted in there since we moved in that we're never quite sure what will pop up where. It's always so exciting to see what else is blooming when we go out!
The Navajo Sage at the far edge of the bed is currently displaying a brilliant explosion of red.
There is plenty of Dianthus, a popular favorite of mine, scattered within...but I forget from year to year just how beautiful their hues can be!
And here is another of my sweet little "mystery flowers". I loved the white one I posted about a while back, and we've since discovered this lovely purple and a vibrant pink of the same variety.
Darren's native garden is home to some particularly lovely flowers right now, too. This pink Globemallow is actually one that we fought over on numerous occasions in the past, with my position being that since we didn't plant it and it obstructed so much of the actual garden, it should be pulled up and discarded. Darren insisted that it was just fine where it was (right smack dab in the center of the walking path) and that we should leave it alone. We reached a happy compromise a few weeks ago (after several seasons during which the thing more than tripled in size!) by simply modifying the walking path to include it as the foremost shrub in our desert garden--and I am so happy that this was one fight I never could win! Its delicate cupped flowers are so gorgeous; I would be truly remorseful to have been the cause of its demise.
And here are just a few more beautiful blooms adorning "the cactus patch", as we affectionately refer to our expanse of native southwestern cacti, shrubs, flowers, and trees:
Our morning concluded when Dylan decided, entirely on his own, to come inside and take his shoes off. He wanted to rest. The fever was back. And this time, he had company: Caitlyn, it seems, has decided to join him. Time to put into effect, I think, the sweet idea Celeste shared on her blog this past Saturday. (Thanks again, Celeste!)
Monday, March 26, 2007
Tea and Fevers
It was a total illusion.
As we took our place in the pew, however, Dylan seemed very clingy, slumping against me and complaining that he was tired. "Mommy, will you please hold me?" he kept asking. His behavior was completely out of character, and I was instantly suspicious. As the Mass progressed, I noticed he felt warmer and warmer, and by the time we got home about an hour later, his cheeks were flushed and his eyes had that glassy, feverish look I've come to recognize all too well. I checked his temperature, and sure enough: 102.7!
He wanted to sleep, and went straight to bed after taking some children's Tylenol. He felt a little better that afternoon, but after dinner his temperature was back up to 102.2. This morning he woke up coughing and complaining of a sore throat, and his temperature was again elevated. (Luckily, though, my girls still seem to be doing better!)
I was feeling really bad for him--for all my kids--and a little sorry for myself this morning, so I decided to try and make today the best it could be under the circumstances. Rather than rushing through our usual morning routine, we played a little longer, ate breakfast a little later, and didn't change out of pajamas until 10:00. We were in the kitchen when I had the idea to prepare a special little Spring tea party for us to enjoy together. My kids were so excited--we love tea parties! Dylan quickly began searching the bookshelves for all his books on Spring, and Caitlyn and I got to work making some sugar cookie dough. My intention was to let the dough chill while we had lunch and cleaned up the kitchen, by which time we'd be able to bake and decorate our cookies. Sweet little Meghan, however, fell asleep in her high chair just as Dylan and Caitlyn were finishing their lunch, so, after gently transferring her to her crib, I seized the opportunity to have a nice long nap with the older kids in my room. We all really needed the rest, but it was so late when we finally woke up that we decided to postpone our little party until after dinner--even better, in our estimation, because then Daddy would be able to participate, too! We went ahead and made our cookies and strawberry Kool-Aid, and read from the pile of Dylan's book selections.
It was so precious tonight to see how excited Dylan and Caitlyn were to be served--on their very own little place settings, with our very special glass dishes--the cookies and drinks we made together this afternoon. I think there is nothing in the world that I wouldn't do to see their sweet faces light up the way they did tonight, and I marvel at the fact that I can do that for them with just a little extra effort and a lot more love and patience.
This was, indeed, a most splendid little tea party.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Coming up for air
Monday, March 19, 2007
Happy Feast of St. Joseph!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
In the gardens
Darren also did a little more planting today: tomatoes, okra, eggplant, snow peas, basil, and garlic!
And we're finding all sorts of lovely little surprises in our flower bed these days. This is one of my favorites, which we suspect must have been included in the perennial wildflower seed mixture Darren scattered last fall. I think it is simply beautiful:
The dianthus is starting to bloom now, too, and I think the deep crimson of this one is just so pretty:And I love, love, love creeping phlox that borders the outer edge of our garden:
Out in the native garden, more of Darren's cacti are in bloom. Here are just a few:
I am just so in love with gardening right now that I may very well decide to post weekly updates! In the meantime, you can see what else is blooming around here by checking out Darren's blog.
Happy gardening, friends!
Friday, March 16, 2007
He has also developed quite an interest in creating his own books, especially since acquiring his very own stapler. (Which really took some pleading on his part! I still vividly recall stapling my finger to a bulletin board in my third grade classroom--I was quite accident prone as a child--so it was with trepidation that I agreed to let him have his own!) But he has proven himself to be very conscientious, and has put together some of the cutest little books! One of my favorites is a Kasey the Kinderbot coloring book he made a few days ago. I just think these illustrations are so adorable!
And, here is another of Dylan's drawings that I just have to share!
We're all still a little bit obsessed with the Wiggles...seeing them in concert was just such a happy, wonderful experience! (Darren thinks it's hilarious that I have been heard saying in recent days, "Hey, kids, do you want to watch a Wiggles video?!") I can't help it...but I'm worried that I may have developed just a slight crush on Anthony (a.k.a. "The Blue Wiggle"). How pathetic is that?! :)
Oh, and on a completely unrelated topic: does anyone else remember those fabulous deeley boppers of the early 1980's? I had a pair topped with the likeness of Smurfette, and I thought they were the absolute coolest thing. Of course, I was probably no more than six or seven years old, but still. our excitement for the St. Patrick's Day party we're having tomorrow, the kids and I have been doing all sorts of silly little crafts over the past couple of days. Today we made our own deeley boppers utilizing--what else?--card stock (I LOVE that stuff!), glitter, chenille stems, and a couple of Caitlyn's headbands. So easy, and so much fun! Here are Dylan and Caitlyn enjoying a "picnic" lunch on the couch in my bedroom this afternoon.
We're silly, I know. But we are having so much fun...and we've got more planned for tomorrow!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Worth watching
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
I really love our new arrangement and it has opened up so much more floor space in our room! (So much room, in fact, that there is plenty of space for the kids to play!)
And, a few words (and pictures, of course!) about our garden. Darren was kind enough to remind me that, contrary to what I may have said before, our garden still isn't quite finished yet. We still need to finish the center walking path (probably with crushed pecan shells), add some straw as a mulch, and, in a couple of weeks, finish planting the vegetables that it's still just a little bit too early for now. At any rate, we've all had a grand time planning, preparing, and planting our garden!
And here is our almost-finished "work in progress". This just makes me so happy! I keep sneaking out back to peek at it throughout the day!
So far, we've got kohlrabi, spinach, lettuce, chard, and sunflowers:
We've also got onions, red and green cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots:
We also planted a small strawberry patch and an herb garden, including parsley, sage, oregano, marjoram, chives, thyme, and tarragon. Next we'll add peppers, tomatoes, okra, eggplant, cucumbers, and snow peas.
This is just so much fun for all of us! I love that so many of our conversations lately have revolved around which vegetables we love, which ones we want to plant, how we might like to prepare said vegetables once they're mature...even Dylan and Caitlyn have strong opinions on the matter! We're new at this, but I am so thrilled with the opportunity our garden has given us to work together towards a real and substantial reward. I pray that our efforts will be abundantly blessed!