Happy Epiphany! Today has been for us a most blessed day of family fun and relaxation, the perfect ending to a perfect Christmas season. This morning, in honor of the adoration of the infant Jesus by the three kings, Dylan and Caitlyn helped me bake a spice cake in the shape of a crown. After frosting it, I let them adorn it with "jewels"--candy sprinkles, spice drops, and candy coated chocolate kisses. Following a late lunch, we enjoyed a sample of it along with some delicious mulled apple cider.

Dylan and Caitlyn were so excited to finally be able to place the wise men in their appropriate positions alongside the other figures of our nativity set. And since this is the first year we've actually waited until the Epiphany to put them out, it was really special for Darren and I, too.

Later this afternoon, we piled onto the sofa in our bedroom and watched
The Very First Noel, a delightfully animated movie recounting the journey of the three wise men. It's a movie our entire family absolutely loves, and it was
so nice to just sit and snuggle for a while!
We are enjoying the remainder of our day by listening to Christmas songs, coloring pictures (
here is just one that we printed off the internet), and making the most of every last moment we have before I go to work tonight. I couldn't have wished for a more perfect day!
Too wonderful!! That is so neat, Melissa. I loved hearing about all of your tradition!!!
Glad you're back. :)
SO glad I came by to check your site. I haven't gotten to read through your posts yet, just skimmed them--I'm up WAY too late tonight. But will catch up soon.
Just had to say LOVE that cake!!! Will you reveal how to create it?! Is it a shaped cake pan? It's beautiful!
We exchange our Christmas presents from each other on Epiphany. Our celebration included a trip to Burger King--with crowns of course. :) Sounds like a perfect way to wrap up the season.
Love the cake! What fun. It is always fun to see what other families do to celebrate and make the feasts special.
So glad you're back! You are an inspiration to me and I really enjoy your blog. Can't wait to get on more once we're in our house with internet :)
That cake is beautiful! I'm so glad to "see" you again!
Love that cake! Do you have a special mold for it, and if so, where did you find it? Happy belated Epiphany!
Misty and Kristen: I used a shaped pan which I first saw at Hobby Lobby a few months ago. I had the idea for this cake just a couple of days before Epiphany and was so happy to find they still had some when I went back to buy one!
I agree that your cake is awesome, but I also fell in love with that Epiphany votive holder!
Now, see, with celebrations like this your children will always have a sense that the feast of the Epiphany is truly special. What a gift! ;)
Great ideas. Great cake. Next year I hope you repost this before Epiphany so that we can all copy you! I think I'm going to order a video for my kids and godchildren. Thanks for sharing.
I love this cake. So cute! Did you have a cake shaped pan, or did you make it another way?
Hello there, I was googling my new nativity set to find out which pieces I'm missing. You have the full set! Would you be able to tell me who it is by(artist) so I can find my missing pieces? I just got mine from Hobby Lobby today and I'm missing the angel and the sheperd.
Merry Christmas and have a wonderful New Years too =)
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