Monday, October 03, 2011

A Super Mario Birthday!

At long last, here are (finally!) some pictures of Dylan's Super Mario Birthday cupcakes! I still can't believe my boy turned TEN years old on September 21st!!!  I was sad that he had to go to school that day, but he really enjoyed his birthday anyway.  We made him a special breakfast and I packed him a fun lunch with a little card tucked inside, and, since Darren took the day off, we were ready to open presents as soon as the kids got home from school!  He was SO excited to see that we finally got him a Nintendo DS Lite, something he has wanted for a very long time!  He also got some really neat Star Wars Lego gifts, which he loved, and some nice cards in the mail from far away family.  We grilled cheeseburgers, his requested birthday meal, and enjoyed his Super Mario cupcakes with ice cream.  All in all, a wonderful tenth birthday!    

My ten year old birthday boy before school!


  1. Our son got a DS when he was 10 too!! (for Christmas)

    Wow, he's so grown up--double digit birthday, a very special one!

    Happy birthday and God bless him!!

  2. He looks so happy! He and my eight year old son would be two peas in a pod, I tell ya! You did such a great job~


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