I feel like such a slacker. Here it is, the start of another week, and I'm still in my pajamas savoring my first cup of coffee at nearly 8:00. This is not acceptable! I was doing so good about getting up every morning between 5 and 5:30, but lately I am just exhausted. Last week was "D" week, and as you can clearly see, I have no post prepared to showcase our work. Sorry. There wouldn't be much to see anyway, though, because I didn't take many pictures, but also because it seems we didn't do more of what I had planned than we did do. Didn't quite get to all of our read alouds, for example, nor did we ever make the cool dinosaur diorama I had envisioned, and I completely abandoned the density experiment due to insufficient supplies and lack of time. The donation box I started earlier in the week is sitting, not nearly full enough for my liking, in the garage that was also supposed to be cleaned this weekend and wasn't. But! It's all good. We enjoyed the things we did do, including a fun desert walk on Darren's day off (and can't forget those donuts from Daddy!) and we finally, at long last and after much pleading on Dylan's part, got our Halloween decorations up.
Also accomplished this weekend: a visit to the pumpkin patch (So fun! Post coming soon!), front flower bed cleaned completely, and a superfluous trip to Hobby Lobby, after which I now have the most gorgeous yarn and crochet needles, never minding the fact that I don't know how to crochet, replenished scrapbook supplies for our geography lessons, and the most beautiful new art supplies including oil pastels and watercolors, both of which I rely upon heavily, especially since I so love this website, which also employs the use of those same mediums in so many projects. Whew! That was a long sentence. Which probably means it wasn't grammatically correct, but I hope you'll forgive me. Anyway. Off now to find some breakfast. Chocolate Chip Malt-O-Meal, anyone? Fine then. More for me. :)
Also accomplished this weekend: a visit to the pumpkin patch (So fun! Post coming soon!), front flower bed cleaned completely, and a superfluous trip to Hobby Lobby, after which I now have the most gorgeous yarn and crochet needles, never minding the fact that I don't know how to crochet, replenished scrapbook supplies for our geography lessons, and the most beautiful new art supplies including oil pastels and watercolors, both of which I rely upon heavily, especially since I so love this website, which also employs the use of those same mediums in so many projects. Whew! That was a long sentence. Which probably means it wasn't grammatically correct, but I hope you'll forgive me. Anyway. Off now to find some breakfast. Chocolate Chip Malt-O-Meal, anyone? Fine then. More for me. :)