No, this isn't a post about the sickening results of yesterday's election. I can't talk about that disgusting disappointment yet without feeling physically ill, so instead I'm posting some long overdue photos of recent family happenings. I came dangerously close to deleting my entire blog a couple of nights ago, but Darren talked me out of it. He says he loves to click over to it while he's at work to see the kids and page through my archives. It makes him happy to see us while he's apart from us. And even if that remained the sole purpose of this blog, it would be reason enough for me.
We visited the pumpkin patch on a warm weekend in mid-October, where my sweet children endured the discomfort of too-warm clothing selected by Mommy dearest. (When I had returned home from work much earlier that morning, it was cold! I never thought to recheck the temperature before departing.) They still had a blast though, despite the flushed faces. Sadly, however, we never did get around to actually carving our pumpkins. But it's never too late! I'm thinking a turkey, perhaps? Or some falling leaves. Who says jack o'lanterns need scary faces? :)

Halloween was extra special this year because my brother and his family were here to celebrate with us! I only regret that I didn't get more pictures. I did take a few of my own children in their Halloween shirts before the cousins came to visit, and a partial view of the party food we arranged, but by the time they were dressed in costumes they were just ready to GO! Meghan was the least cooperative, but I picked the best of the bad shots I did get as photographic evidence for my mom of the cute trick-or-treaters we had this year: Indiana Jones, Little Red Riding Hood, and Dorothy!

The day after Halloween was also the first day of the Renaissance Fair, which we've been looking forward to since
last year! (It was also a primary reason for my brother's visit...he hasn't been in many years, and was eager to finally share the fun with his bride and children!) Caitlyn had received some money for her birthday a few weeks ago, and was so excited to buy a new dress to wear to the park! She picked a beautiful gown from the Halloween costumes at Target, and Dylan was able to buy a new knight costume with the money he had left over from his birthday, too. (Meghan got a new dress just because she's so darn cute. :) ) We had a
great time. After unhurriedly strolling along the path to the food court, we decided to get lunch while there were no lines to speak of. (Typically, they get very long around noon, and it was already 11:30.) The timing was perfect, because
Clan Tynker was just about to begin their first performance! We spread our picnic blanket on the lawn and enjoyed watching while we ate. Such fun! We also enjoyed the jumping tents and, my favorite (and I think Dylan's, too): the Usborne book booth! We had to really restrain ourselves from buying up everything in sight, but we were so happy with the books we did purchase: the
Complete Book of Art Ideas,
How to Draw Cats, the
Children's Book of Art,
50 Christmas Things to Make and Do,
See Inside Math, and a really cool
Pyramid Excavation Adventure Kit. I took the children on a canoe ride around the lake again this year and even Meghan rode this time! She was actually photographed by a newspaper photographer as we waited in line donned in our bright orange flotation devices, but as I'm sort of weird about revealing our last name here on the blog, I'm not linking to the online album that features her. Sorry! She was a doll, though. "Pretty as a picture"! :) We were awfully tired out by the time we came home
five hours later, but we ended up joining the gang at my dad's house for margaritas and a few rounds of pool. Just like old times! I really hated to see the weekend end. We had such a good time. The best part was that I didn't have to work at all that weekend! It was my first weekend off in many weeks, and it felt so good to have a normal weekend for pure pleasure!

This week has been spent mostly in recovery mode: nursing colds (Cailtyn and Meghan), catching up on laundry, and catching up on school work (
My Catholic Speller Level A and
Language of God Level A: finished! Yay Dylan!). Kristen had her very first taste of rice cereal a few nights ago, and was not too impressed. Such a fun milestone, though! The older children thought it was hilarious. Perhaps I'll eventually get around to posting photos. I'm counting the days until my mom is home for a Christmas visit. It will be here before we know it! Where did October go?