I spent some time last night catching up on the blog of a very dear friend, a woman I've never met but greatly admire nonetheless. It is just so evident that, in addition to being a faithful Catholic, wonderful friend, devoted wife to her darling husband, and fearless world explorer, she is also an incredible mom to her precious brood of lively and imaginative children! I am always so impressed with the things they think of to do together! I laughed out loud as I read of their most recent activities, and then had Darren read the particularly endearing posts relating tales of adventure and creativity. "I've become such a boring mom," I lamented. "I want to be just like Jill."
And so, when Dylan announced first thing this morning that he was declaring today "Cat Day" and that we needed to mark it on our calendar, I rose to the challenge and encouraged him as he gathered all his books about cats and made cat cards, banners, books, and activity pages. Plans to launder all the bed sheets were put aside as I brainstormed ways to assist in the festivities. I remembered we still had an extra box of cake mix leftover from the feast of St. George, and so, feeling inspired by the success of our dragon cake, I searched the internet for a cat cake that I could make with the children. We saw lots of cute ones here, and sort of adapted a couple of our favorites to resemble our beloved tabby. What a fun day! Dylan was so excited, and was such a big help in the kitchen, gathering supplies and offering suggestions as we decorated our cake. We called my mom and invited her over for dinner (Tuna Helper, because everybody knows that cats love fish!) and dessert.
The most amazing part of the day for me, though, was when Darren walked in as we were putting the finishing touches on our cake and deposited on the kitchen counter a package that had just been delivered...from Jill!!! I couldn't believe it. Almost as if by magic, it seemed as though my thinking of her had brought a small bit of her into existence in my very own home.