Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Music to my ears
Friday, February 22, 2008
Three boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios.
Guess why?
Because Dylan really wanted these:

Anyway, here he is last night at bedtime, starting the first of his three newly acquired Special Edition books...

...and here he is in my bed this morning, already finishing the third! He says he likes them so much that he "might even want to see the movie", but, as he's always quick to point out, "the books are more important than the movie". :) I'm not actually sure that I have an opinion of these yet (this was my first exposure to them, too) but I think we might like to read the series together in the near future. My boy loves to read!

And, while we're talking about Dylan, can I just share some more of his recent creative endeavors? I am constantly amazed at how he is forever coming up with new crafts to try! It's really not just once in a is all day long, and sometimes he exhausts me! For the most part, he's pretty self sufficient, but I feel like I'm always hovering just in the periphery, keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings to ensure his safety and to keep the girls from bothering him too much. Here, for example, is a treasure map he made a couple of days ago after seeing the idea in one of his favorite books. I walked into the kitchen to find him pouring hot water into one of my 13x9 glass baking dishes and swishing tea bags around in it. Next he soaked a sheet of card stock in it, and we let it dry on a towel overnight. The next day he had this very cool, "aged" paper (which he crumpled and tore to add to the effect), on which he drew this amazing map. Don't you just love it? The best part is that when Caitlyn saw it, she immediately ran to change into her Ariel costume so that she could be the mermaid. :)

Thursday, February 21, 2008
New Rooms!
So, guess what we did over the weekend?
We painted and rearranged and reconfigured both rooms so that Caitlyn and Meghan now have their very own, very girly room, while Dylan now has an absolutely gorgeous, all boy room that includes his own workspace and bookshelves. (They're the same ones from the old school room, just modified a bit to be more Dylan.) His favorite color is red, so when I found a heavy twill curtain panel that perfectly complemented his new bedding, I bought it and cut it from the bottom to make new chair covers and made the remnant into a matching valance. I love the way his room has come together, and I am absolutely smitten by the soft, sweet colors and patterns in the girls' new room. It is perfect for them, and they have been so enjoying spending time in there together playing with their dishes, dolls, and princesses. It was a hard decision to come to, but I'm so glad now that we did. Now I'm wondering...what can we do to the other rooms in our house? :)

Snow Day

At one point, however, as we stood shivering in the driveway, we suddenly heard the sound of our kids (who had been up to that point snuggled into blankets on the living room floor, watching Saturday morning cartoons), laughing and shouting in the backyard! I ran (or actually, more like waddled at a brisk pace) through the house and out the back door to find all three kids, barefoot, in pajamas, running through the snow! They were so excited, and had been so very patient, that I abandoned Darren for a while and bundled them all up in layers of clothes, mittens, coats, and hats. (And as I did so, I wondered why on earth I've been envying all those other mothers in snowy parts of the country who have to do this every day.)

By the time we finally made it back outside, there really wasn't much snow left to play in but they still had a blast anyway. They threw snowballs, tasted snow, collected buckets of melted runoff from the roof, slid down snowy slides, climbed on snowy forts, and completely soaked themselves through to the skin! They must have been cold, because nobody--not even Meghan!--objected when I said it was time to go inside for warm baths.

I'm just so pleased with how wonderful our Saturday turned out. I had thought that snow and our yard sale would be mutually exclusive; little did I know how exciting each would actually be! I'm so glad that my kids had the opportunity to experience the joy of what little snow we did have, and was incredibly happy with the final profits made from our sale. It was enough, in fact, to indulge the crazy whim I had to make-over two rooms in our house...but that story is another post entirely. :)
Friday, February 15, 2008
Our Valentine's Day
"Ummm," he stammered.
"I mean really," I broke in. "What did we do on Valentine's Day before we had kids? Do you remember? Because honestly, I don't."
He assured me that we were, at one time, quite romantic on Valentine's Day. This year, I'm sad to say, I failed to get him even a simple card. But I know, because he shows me every day, that he loves me just the same. In fact yesterday, as he spontaneously embraced me as we passed in the hallway, he said the most beautiful thing to this very pregnant, very round, very cherished wife: "You're getting kind of hard to hug lately...but you're still very easy to love." (Awww...isn't he sweet?!)
At any rate, my kids and I most certainly enjoyed our day, even though Daddy wasn't home to celebrate with us. For breakfast I made heart shaped biscuits, served them on Valentine dishes, and each of the children had a little gift bag full of Valentine goodies from Darren and me. (And, yes. Both of the girls are wearing their brother's old pajamas. Because, you know, their mommy is just so in command of the laundry these days. But it's all good, really. Caitlyn declared herself "SU-per Girrrrl!" and was actually quite pleased with her "new" sleepwear.)

Thursday, February 07, 2008
Lenten Activities

I thought I would do so much more to prepare for Lent this year, but I think it's probably better that we're keeping it simple and familiar. The activities we've chosen are, I think, well suited for our young family, and by not trying to incorporate too many new traditions I feel much less stressed and more at peace as we embark upon this Lenten journey. It is this quiet that I need to really search my heart, to prepare my soul, to ready myself for Easter. Because I still feel so inadequate. So unworthy. So undeserving of Christ's sacrifice. I see myself for the wretch I am. I pray for the grace to change.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Fat Tuesday

...followed by some cute little Mardi Gras mask crafts before lunch.

Well. As you can see, Dylan and Meghan had a great time with theirs. Unfortunately, this is pretty much how Caitlyn spent the remainder of her day:

My kids have all been battling a bad case of the flu, beginning with Meghan, progressing to Dylan, and now finally on to Caitlyn. She, in particular, has been having a very rough go of it (crying even in her sleep) and today I was unable to keep her temperature below 102 degrees despite repeated doses of Tylenol and a bath. She woke up from her nap only to fall asleep again on the living room sofa, and, despite the high volume of Dylan and Meghan's boisterous play, she slept until just a few minutes before Darren's return home from work tonight. Happily, she was feeling a little better, well enough even for a little dinner, and she was able to enjoy a serving of the traditional King Cake I made today. (Here you can also see the mask she made earlier, the blue one on the left, that I was never able to photograph her with.) Despite having slept most of the day, she went to sleep easily again tonight (as did Dylan and Meghan, who never did have naps today), and I can only pray that she is doing much better tomorrow.

I can't believe that Ash Wednesday is already upon us. I struggle to ready my heart for the coming days of Lent; my selfish tendencies are a beast to tame. Perhaps it's be a blessing that my children have all fallen ill right now, when I am most seeking to expand myself? I would, after all, serve them--as I should Him--with my very life. "Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me."
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Nice things
Now, I haven't really mentioned here (or anywhere, really) that I've been giving considerable thought lately to cloth diapering our next baby. Probably this silence has been out of fear of adding more fuel to the already raging "Melissa is crazy" fire held widely by several family members and sparked first by our thoughts on procreating, bed sharing, baby wearing, extended breastfeeding, homeschooling, and other such non-mainstream practices. But anyway, now I've said it: we're thinking of cloth diapering our next baby! Our reasons are many, but I think the first seed of an idea was planted in my mind by this beautiful post written by an equally beautiful and much admired woman. (Who knew that diapering a baby could be such a lovely experience?!) She really opened my eyes to an entirely new and different perspective, and for that I am grateful. It was a while before I gave much more thought to the idea, but lately I've been noticing more mommies blogging about cloth diapering and I realized that this really could be an option for us! That is, until I started pricing them online. Wow. I was shocked to see how expensive these things can be! (As much as seventeen dollars for one diaper!) With a few simple calculations, I realized that it would actually be much more costly to choose cloth over disposables. I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that this was just not going to work for us, but accepted the defeat with a twinge of sadness and disappointment. And then these were most unexpectedly made available to us through that wonderful yard sale! Nine dozen diapers in three different sizes and three dozen covers for only thirty dollars! I am overjoyed. I look at them longingly and just can't wait to hold our new baby in my arms!

Oh, and also found at that same sale and certainly worth mentioning here: nine short sleeved Motherhood nursing tops! Perfect for summer and snuggling up with my newest little nursling! Did I already say that I can barely wait?! I'm giddy at the thought of her impending arrival! Fourteen more weeks just seems interminably long. Time speed, please!

And lastly, though this has nothing whatsoever to do with this post, I am absolutely astounded by the exquisiteness of these eager little hyacinths just emerging from the cold earth of our front bed. Aren't they sweet? They are a lovely reminder that spring really isn't too far off, and maybe May 11th really will be here sooner than I think!