Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just once in my life...

I would loooove to appear in a photograph with my husband in which he is actually smiling!  This was taken on Easter, but don't let that "mean face" fool you!  He was actually having a great time.  :)  

Friday, April 06, 2012


They're great at fixing things, but their sweetness just about kills me!

Thursday, April 05, 2012

After School

We've spent the past three afternoons playing for about an extra hour on the playground after school because it's just been too lovely outside to go home right away. I'm glad I remembered to bring my camera with me today, because I was able to get not only a precious photo of Meghan with the little basket from her Easter egg hunt today, but also a super cute shot of Austin peeking out from the top of the slide. I am loving these afternoons with my kiddos!  (Yesterday Dylan entertained us and some classmates by illustrating the basketball court with chalk art.  :) )

Wednesday, April 04, 2012